About the Strategic Plan

Connect 2035 encompasses clearly defined goals, performance measures, and engagement strategies. Learn more about the objectives and the process through the Technical Report and Phase 1 Strategic Foundation Report.

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

Connecting everyone to opportunity.

Our Mission

We provide safe, inclusive, convenient, and efficient public transportation services to Spokane area communities. We are leaders in transportation and a valued partner in the region’s social fabric, economic infrastructure, and quality of life.



Phase 1, the Strategic Foundation, was adopted by the STA Board of Directors in late 2022. It includes revised vision and mission statements, goals, high level strategies, and performance measures.
Phase 2 kicked off in July 2023. This phase will run through 2024 and identify specific initiatives and projects, along with performance measures, that will guide STA through the next 10 years.

Community Engagement

In Phase 2, community engagement will be a key element. We will identify key projects that align with Connect 2035 goals, strategies, and actions; prioritize projects based on community input, estimated funding requirements, and other evaluation criteria; and develop performance measures that are meaningful, accurate, and cost effective.

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